Legal Notice of the Barceloni Hockey Club 1977’s website with CIF G64565021 and address at C/Caballero Caballero 95-97 Esc A 1o 3a 08014 Barcelona:

1.            Identification: The website is owned by Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 with CIF G64565021 and address at C/Caballero Caballero 95-97 Esc A 1o 3a 08014 Barcelona.

2.            Intellectual property: All contents of the website, including texts, images, logos and designs, are the exclusive property of Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 and are protected by intellectual property laws.

3.            Use of the website: Access and use of the website is carried out under the responsibility of the user. Illegal, negligent, fraudulent or contrary use to these general terms of use will give rise to legally established responsibilities.

4.            Responsibility: Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 will not be responsible for damages and harm that may arise from accessing or using the website.

5.            Modifications: Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation and configuration of the website, as well as these terms of use, without prior notice.

6.            Industrial property: Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 is the owner of all industrial and intellectual property rights related to the website and its content. Any type of exploitation, including reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, is prohibited without the prior and written authorization of the owner.

This legal notice may be updated at any time by Barceloni Hockey Club 1977 without prior notice, so it is recommended to periodically check this section.